At first, many customers directly said that they need 1 kg bags, A*B bags, etc. Generally, we will ask what items are used for packaging, whether they have done it before, etc. Generally, we will send samples to customers. , It is recommended that customers do a physical packaging experiment first, why do they do this?
1. Different packaging materials have different capacities of bags of the same specification.
This is easy to understand, for example, a kilogram of soybeans and a kilogram of corn grits, both are one kilogram, but the size of the plastic bags that need to be used is different.
2. The bag type is different, and the capacity of the bag of the same specification is also different.
Four-side sealing plastic bags of the same length and width have a larger capacity than three-side sealing plastic bags.
3. According to the different contents of the package, the space that needs to be reserved in the plastic packaging bag is also different.
Some packaging bags that require vacuuming, and those that do not require vacuuming, are also different in selection.
4. The outer packaging of the product will also affect the specification selection of the inner packaging.
5. Physical packaging experiments are also required to detect the load-bearing capacity of the packaging bags.